SUNDAY KITCHEN: Spiced Shrimp Dip

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What speaks spring in the language of beer? “Crisp, bracing, clean,” says our beer columnist. Follow Shawn into the heart of the season.

The Pluck of the Irish Beers

Our beer columnist picks five for quaffing this month.

What’s Brewing? A trip down memory lane

Taking a stroll down Memory Lane, beer in hand.

What’s Brewing?

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Brews get boffo box office!

Alternate Ending is Scott Novick’s very personal love story with beer that happens to be set in a land where dreams come true.

Wine Concierge: Jennifer Smith

Welcome to the Wine Concierge, a regular column in The Peasant Wife that introduces you to authoritative, informed and hospitable wine professionals working at the Garden State’s finest wine shops, folks who have as their goal matching you with the wines right for your plate, pocket and purpose.


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