A Movable Fiesta
McKitrick Chabot is Tacos Chicas and she’s all about bringing her fresh-faced Mexican home-style cooking to you via her compact food truck kitchen.
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THE TACOS CHICAS FOOD TRUCK will be faithfully parked at the farmstand of Hope Cress Farms, 440 Hope Blairstown Road in Hope (mapping: Blairstown), from 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays starting Friday, May 24 through October. Tacos Chicas makes other stops and the best place to check for an up-to-date listing is the website: www.ilovetacoschicas.com. Phone: 973-583-TACO (8226); email: tacoschicas@gmail.com. Follow on Facebook @TacosChicas and on Instagram @tacoschicastruck.