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Fortnightly 5

Mostly Meaty

Beef, pork, a mix, even a hot dog: Dominating this round’s favorite foods are meats, in all their hearty, sauced, spiced and marinated glories.

Scrutiny of the Bounty

A good dozen eats made it to the shoe-in roster for this round of F5, the list of this-one’s-a-sure-bet for the top five. The hits in food just kept on coming. That means these winners are a level beyond extraordinary.

Balancing Act

The craft of bringing just the right touch of complement, contrast or even a bit of moxie to the mild-mannered is the tie that binds the favorites of the two weeks just past.

Mid-Summer’s Other Top Eats

Not to shortchange tomatoes, now officially in happy onslaught mode, but there are other very wonderful foods to consider at this moment in time – including these fabulous five.

Hands-down Winners

Most of these favorites can be eaten cutlery-free, which some authorities believe helps to stimulate the senses. No matter; these five are musts to mark on your dine card.

Some Things Old, Some Things New

New restaurants, new dishes, old eateries with dishes old and new: The favorites of the past two weeks come from sources expected – and surprising.

Cape May County Riches

Spend a handful of days in our southeasternmost county listening to what locals have to say about their home-grown eats and you’ll come away with a bounty of splendid fare – such as these fab five recommendations that top the charts for the two weeks just past.

Leading with Lemon

Masterful applications of the citrus take charge in a trio of top eats, while the other two picks for this go-round can spice up snack fare.

The Freshest Takes

There’s nothing unfamiliar about our five favorites, but all take a spin on the usual to make for superior eating. Far superior.

Free-wheeling Range

A soda and a gravy, a burrito and a love child of a cross-cultural rice dish. Throw in a groovy green and you’ve got quite the spectrum of top eats of past two weeks.

Why/When It’s 3, Not 5

All told, the salmon belly, cauliflower taco and buttery claytonia would make a most delightful meal. So we’ll move past what might have been, toast this trio and hope for better in the weeks to come.

Produce to the Max

Merely by chance, very unsuspecting, the favorites of the past two weeks happen to be stalwarts of the produce bins given extra loving in dishes that make veg and fruit lovers most happy fans.


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