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And So It Continues

Genesis Farm’s singular Community Supported Garden program is unlike any other in our Garden State. In this, the first of three stories about the place that has inspired heartfelt commitment among hundreds of families, learn about its mission and how its bounty shapes the way the CSG’s multi-generational membership eats and lives. And, importantly, save the date of Sunday, April 28 for its open house.

One view of the CSG at Genesis

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  1. This is the first of three stories about the CSG at Genesis. The next, posting on Thursday, April 18, will offer more information about its Open House on Sunday, April 28 at the CSG. (Meanwhile, save the date!) The third story will post as a Sunday Kitchen column on Sunday, April 21 and offer insight into Smadar English’s best-ever recipe for beets. (Smadar’s beets will be on the light garden lunch menu offered at the Open House.)
  2. The CSG at Genesis Farm has a newly revamped website with detailed information about the farm and its community supported garden program. Please visit
  3. THE COMMUNITY SUPPORTED GARDEN AT GENESIS FARM is located at 41B Silver Lake Road in Frelinghuysen (mapping apps might use Blairstown). 908-362-7486. Email: Follow on Facebook @CommunitySupportedGardenAtGenesisFarm and on Instagram @csggenesisfarm.


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