Barbara Nieuwdorp, To The Moon and Back Cupcakery
In the latest installment of TPW’s monthly column featuring Martha Rabello talking shop with a fellow practitioner of the pastry and baking arts, she visits with Barbara Nieuwdorp. Her To The Moon and Back Cupcakery offers evidence that this licensed home-baker has a serious thing for caramel.

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For more on Barbara Nieuwdorp, follow her on Facebook @To the Moon and Back Cupcakery and on Instagram @to_the_moon_and_back_cupcakery.
Martha Rabello is a founding board member of the New Jersey Home Bakers Association. She is an activist, pastry chef and graphic designer who owns Cherryspoon, a cookie bakeshop currently on break. She lives in Fanwood, with her husband and three chronically curious children. Baker to Baker appears the first Wednesday of every month.