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Sunday Kitchen

Count on Beans

Wonderful flying solo and wonderful in partnerships, legumes in their dried form are a year-round staple. Pizza Beans? Greens-’n’-Beans? Let them be just the start of a new season of bean cookery.

Pizza Beans and Greens-‘n’-Beans

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RAZZA PIZZA ARTIGIANALE, 275 Grove St., Jersey City. Website: Razza Crushed Red Peppers, a collaboration with Burlap & Barrel, is sold at the restaurant or at the B&B website:

JERSEY GIRL CHEESE, 2 Davis Road, Branchville. Website:

RANCHO GORDO BEANS can be mail-ordered via the website: I’ve also found them at various specialty shops in the Garden State, including Sweet Amalia Market + Kitchen in Newfield and Lovelandtown Grocery & Provisions in Point Pleasant.


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