Ethiopian Breakfast Scramble
After a dinner of doro wat at Ada’s Gojjo in Asbury Park, TPW’s ingenuous food-upcycling wiz takes an idea from the restaurant’s chef-owner and spins it into the breakfast of champions.

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ADA’S GOJJO, 1301 Memorial Drive, Asbury Park. 732-222-5005. Follow on Facebook @Ada’sGojjo.
Sue Sell Bernstein, who long operated Cook-‘n’-Tell cooking school, holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in human nutrition from Douglass College of Rutgers University. She loves dining out and cooking at home in equal parts, and would never let an ounce of a good ingredient go to waste. Lucky-me Leftovers, her tales from a life of food-upcycling, appears on occasional Mondays. (Or whenever Sue has breaking news on leftovers.)