Melissa McGrath, Sweet Amalia Market & Kitchen
The chef whose marquee ingredient is the Garden State’s most revered and sought-after oyster is the newest inductee into TPW’s chef-picks-chef club of top toques. Selector and ardent fan Shanti Mignogna pins it as a mutual admiration society among extraordinary talents.

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SWEET AMALIA MARKET & KITCHEN, 994 Route 40, Newfield. 856-839-2478. Website: www.sweetamalia.com. Email: sweetamaliaoysters@gmail.com. Follow on Facebook @SweetAmaliaOysterFarm and Instagram @SweetAmaliaOysters.
Chef Train appears the last Saturday of every month. Last month’s honoree selects this month’s honoree who in turn chooses next month’s honoree. And so on down the line.