Raw Material
Got milk on the market in the Garden State? Then it’s pasteurized; can’t buy it straight. Why? Kelly-Jane Cotter explores many sides of an issue that has spawned a hodgepodge of laws nationwide and a percolating movement to change them here.

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THE BUBBLY GOAT, 248 Locktown-Sergeantsville Road, Delaware Township. Goat’s milk soaps, lotions and pet milk. Events and activities. 908-468-2540 or www.thebubblygoat.com.
SUGAR MAPLE JERSEYS, at The Farmer’s Table Country Store, 567 Rosemont-Ringoes Road, Delaware Township. Cheese, butter, chicken, pork, beef and veal. Events and activities. www.sugarmaplejerseys.com.
JERSEY GIRL CHEESE, at Hillcrest Orchard & Dairy, 2 Davis Road, Branchville. Cheese, gift baskets, platters, baked goods, apparel. 973-512-8769 or www.jerseygirlcheese.com.
VALLEY SHEPHERD CREAMERY, 50 Fairmount Road, Long Valley. Cheese, butter, sheep’s milk yogurt, tours. 908-876-3200 or www.valleyshepherd.com.
HIDDEN CREEK FARM, 272 Marlboro Road, Stow Creek. On-site farm store selling its meats and poultry as well as other locally produced foods and select pantry items. 856-369-0429 or www.hiddencreekfarmnj.com.
RAW MILK INSTITUTE, www.rawmilkinstitute.org.