Sweet Amalia Market & Kitchen
At this instant classic, an oyster from the Cape Shore Flats is honored and classic dishes get revelatory tweaks. The result is a terroir-defining experience destined for a spot on the national map.

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SWEET AMALIA MARKET & KITCHEN, 994 Route 40, Newfield. 856-839-2478. Website: www.sweetamalia.com. Email: sweetamaliaoysters@gmail.com. Follow on Facebook @SweetAmaliaOysterFarm and Instagram @SweetAmaliaOysters. You can buy oysters, produce, specialty food items and Hawk Haven wines here; items on the menu are for takeout or to eat, when weather permits, outside on picnic tables or at long tables “inside” – which is astride the open garage-style doors. Offseason hours may change and Sweet Amalia may take a wintertime break, so check the website for updates.