SUNDAY KITCHEN: Spiced Shrimp Dip

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The Garden State's independent news source for all things culinary


Block Another Punt

The Murphy Administration and the state Legislature ignored valuable counsel and, once again, failed to come up with sorely needed reforms to liquor license laws. Candidates vying for Trenton’s top job in the next gubernatorial election need to make sure this is the last time the supposed hometown team drop-kicks opportunity.

Jersey Ag at a Juncture

Only seven people in the Garden State’s history have served as Secretary of Agriculture. With the process for picking a new ag leader under way, it’s imperative the eighth overseer of our foodstreams be equipped and committed to addressing in innovative and fully supportive ways the needs of our farmers, food systems and culinary heritage.

Course Correction

Gov. Murphy and his team are failing in their efforts to reform New Jersey’s antiquated liquor licensing laws. They must immediately disseminate facts to counter the fiction emanating from opposition to reform and work on a plan for a new limited license to secure the future of chef-driven restaurants in the Garden State.

A House Divided

Liquor license reform must start with the hospitality industry putting its core mission above all else and standing united in the cause of long-term success.

Join the Farm Team

Don’t let falsehoods masquerading as facts keep you from knowing the truth about our Garden State’s peerless agriculture industry: It’s in its prime right now and needs your support to keep growing.


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