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Culinary Qs

Sauce Matchmaking: Ehren Ryan, Common Lot

What’s the secret to a great sauce? Use quality ingredients. Write down what you use and how you use it. And remember that the world is your market basket. One extraordinary chef shares tips and insights with TPW’s Ella Rapp.

Flavoring Ice Cream: Gabrielle Carbone, The Bent Spoon

For almost 20 years, the magical, mystical, always intriguing, inventive and resolutely pure flavors of the ice creams at this mecca in Princeton have captured the hearts of an ever-increasing fan base. If you’ve ever wondered how the folks here do it, TPW’s Ella Rapp has the answers – in her latest CQs column.

Making Mozzarella: Sal Pisani, Jersey Artisan Co.

Stumped, befuddled, frustrated by a process that takes the joy out of cooking? (And sometimes even eating?) In our new column, Ella Rapp goes to the sources for expert advice, asking questions of top pros so you can take a cue from those most in the know. First up: Making mozzarella at home.


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